Day 227 - The Great Escape

Some parts of Mozilla's Mountain View headquarters looked like this today, after the Great Escape of 2011 took place last Friday -- when a bunch of Mozillians packed their bags and set sail to the new Mozilla San Francisco office -- leaving behind what will be more room for awesome new hires!

The concept of people working remotely (usually from their own homes) is not new to Mozilla. In fact, far more than half of our employees do not work out of the Mountain View headquarters. Though we have plenty of ways to stay in touch: emails, wikis, and of course our all-time favorites bugzilla and IRC. In addition, we have Air Mozilla (our video streaming site) and, most recently, a video conferencing system. So there's little reason to worry that our new San Francisco remoties will drop off the face of the earth.

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Day 226 - Apfelschorle

Is this one of those words that we might have to import into English straight from German, for lack of a native term? It's the half/half mixture of apple juice and sparkling mineral water, making something like a poor man's Gatorade. While the commercial drink is apparently more apt for rehydrating professional athletes, this drink is cheaper, and arguably much more delicious... and does its job just fine for casual exercise.

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Day 225 - Dietes Grandiflora

I saw these nice-looking flowers on a walk today. My mad Internet-searching skillz revealed that it's "Dietes Grandiflora" or "Fairy Iris", a species from South Africa.

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Day 224 - Crossing

I never realized how huge some of these "pedestrian crossing" signs are -- almost as big as the pedestrians themselves, though slightly less detailed.

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Day 223 - Erik's Adventures in Wonderland

A spinning, "infinite zoom" screen saver can be very captivating. Just be warned, prolonged viewing might well take you down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe full of peculiar, even absurd, creatures and events. Or to the Mozilla office. But wait, I already said that.

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Day 222 - Piazza Anfiteatro

Not a picture I took today, but I didn't stitch it together until now, so I think it counts: This is a panorama shot of Piazza Anfiteatro, a market square in the city of Lucca in Tuscany, Italy. It was built in the 19th century on the ruins of an ancient Roman amphitheater.

If you like it, do look at the full-size version.

The picture is a panorama I stitched together from 16 different photos. When you look more closely, you can see that a man in the bottom left corner is missing a hand because he was present on one picture but not the other. I promise, however, that no Italians were harmed in the making of this picture.

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Day 221 - Donot Box

Not to be confused with a donut box (although that'd be so much tastier), this "donot box" nicely describes what not to do to the Firefox logo -- namely printing it on a strongly colored background. Presumably, the box once contained these exact stickers, but now we're all out. Sadface.

Now, if it eases your pain, and while we're at it, treat yourself to some music from the Donots, one of my favorite German punk rock bands (singing in English, for what it's worth). You're welcome.

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Day 220 - Dog Portrait

On the lookout for trouble? Perhaps!

I find pet portraits in low-light situations really, really hard. Obviously the subject won't hold still even for a second. So we get to crank up the ISO (hello, graininess) and pick a large aperture at the expense of depth-of-field and sharpness. That's why my success rate on such portraits is probably 20% at best, but luckily project 365 is a photo a day, not ten!

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Day 219 - Fiat 500

Say hello to our new Fiat 500. It's pretty much the awesomest car I've ever driven, and it pulls the red off like no other.

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Day 218 - Barista at Work

Tara got me some nice new, organic, espresso, so the barista duty is on. The cups, by the way, are some Bialetti-themed ones I brought from Italy.

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